B2B sales prospective

How shall I choose my new clients?
How can I close new business deal?

Picking up the phone or meeting a new contact may seem unnecessary or below your level or time-consuming tasks: these risk situations are not only the guarantee of your business flow for tomorrow, but they are also a pleasure for us! Confronting the market, and always learning from our contacts allows us to determine the best angle and maximize success rates.

In 4 years, Cam&Léon has proven through figures that a prospecting plan and commercial prospecting itself does not work if they are perceived as a chore. It also takes perseverance, and even joy, to stand out in the crowd and gain the attention of over-solicited decision-makers.

Your value proposition alone will rarely be sufficient for business relationship to flourish: relationships will create this differentiation point.

Always clear about your products and services, we convince by listening and make people buy rather than sell ourselves.

Whether we are talking about making phone calls, commercial phone contacts on your behalf or making telephone appointments, the challenge is the same: initiate a positive link that creates value for both parties.

Cam&Léon business meetings are qualified, of high value – or you will not pay for them!:

  • With companies (suspects, prospects) you have chosen or approved
  • With decision-makers, senior executives or key stake-holders to the buying process
  • These people know exactly what you do and they have chosen willingly to invest some of their precious time with you
  • Sometimes a briefing or project is identified prior to the meeting, sometimes, this is only the mere result of the same meeting: discretion, personal encounter needed before any intel is shared, early timing…) – A first business meeting is scarcely an opportunity to discuss a direct cooperation, still, this is always our goal.

Have you ever heard about the CAB matrix? Together, we add the (E) of Experience: your prospect is open for business. Indeed, the (telephone) setting of qualified business appointments can only be done in the respect of these steps of communication:

  • C for Charactéristics: descriptive part of the sales pitch, facts, relevance of your value proposition.
  • A for Advantages: how you address your prospect’s issues in their situation today
  • B for Benefits: how you “personally” connect with the prospect, how you change their life, their specific – even personal – perception.
  • => E for Experience: we experiment: sales demo, trial, tasting, video, visit, reference… Your Cam&Léon qualified prospect knows your value proposition and already imagines how you will save his/her day. They have already formed a unique link to your company: trust is just around the corner! You need only score!

